Template:सदस्य बक्सा

भारत डिस्कवरी प्रस्तुति
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{{sadasy baksa
| float    = <!--left|right|none (default = left)-->
| border-c = <!--border color (default = id-c)-->
| border-s = <!--border width in pixels (default = 1)-->
| id       = <!--id text or image-->
| id-c     = <!--id background color-->
| id-fc    = <!--id font color-->
| id-s     = <!--id text size-->
| id-p     = <!--id cell padding space-->
| id-lh    = <!--id line height-->
| id-w     = <!--id box width-->
| id-h     = <!--id box height-->
| info     = <!--info text-->
| info-c   = <!--info background color-->
| info-fc  = <!--info font color-->
| info-s   = <!--info text size-->
| info-p   = <!--info padding (distance between cell contents & cell border)-->
| info-lh  = <!--info line height (or distance in between text lines)-->
id info